Day 1
October 6, 2022
Day 2
October 7, 2022
08.00 | Registration and coffee |
09.00 | Opening ceremony |
Part 1: Just breathe
09.20 | How we breath: lung physiology | Leo Heunks |
09.40 | Physiology at home in 2021 | Karen Moor |
10.00 | Pulmonary Hypertension and RV Failure | Susan Wilcox |
10.20 | Coffee and practical tips |
Part 2: Who needs breathing anyway?
11.00 | Breathing is useless | Femke Gresnigt |
11.25 | Under Pressure | Robert Weenink |
11.50 | What can spermwhales teach us about breathing? | Frank Grune |
12.15 | Lunch and practical tips |
Part 3: All-you-can-eat skills
13.15 | All-you-can-eat-skills |
All-you-can-eat skills
- One lung ventilation Easy Blocker en Double Lumen Tube- Susanne Bronkhorst en Anouk Andriessen
- Optiflow – Joris Arends
- NIV in asthma cardiale – Karen Bokhoven
- Pocus bij Dyspnoe – Vincent Rietveld
- Case studies in RV failure – Susan Wilcox
- Hartecho basis – Frank Grune
- Thoracostomies en HOTT procedure – Iscander Maissan
- Capnography – Annemijn Jonkman
- Ventrain – Jochen Jansen
- Supraglottic airway devices – Hans Avis
- Bag-valve-mask ventilation – Justin Woerlee
- Thoraxdrains – Philipe de Rooij
- Surgical airway – Sebastiaan Vermeulen
14.30 | Coffee and practical tips |
Part 4: The final breath
15.15 | Deciding to stop, or not | Ashling Lillis |
15.40 | Inter-Religious differences | Liz Crowe |
16.05 | Comfort for patient, relatives and team in end-of-life care | Margo van Mol |
16.30 | Close of day 1 | |
16.45 | DrinksNL | |
18.00 | Walking dinner |
09.00 | Registration and coffee |
Part 5: I’m out of breath…
09.30 | and I’m drowning | Ingvar Berg |
09.55 | if other routes fail, inhale! | Jessica Workum |
10.20 | and I’m out of catecholamines too | Loes Bruijstens |
10.45 | Coffee and practical tips |
Part 6: Breathtaking future developments
11.15 | No more unwitnessed cardiac arrests in the future | Tommaso Scquizzato |
11.40 | Cheating death with pre-hospital ECMO | Dinis dos Reis Miranda |
12.05 | HIGH5: livestream communication with ambulances using 5G in critical patients | Justin Woerlee |
12.30 | Lunch and practical tips |
Part 7: workshops (2 sessions)
13.30 | Workshops |
- Workshop Presentation skills, Ross Fisher, Zaal Sheila Scott
- Save the patient: look in the water outside, Ingvar Berg en Jeroen Seesink, Zaal Southern Cross
- A waste of breath – hoe communiceer je kort en bondig in acute situaties? Jean van ’t Hof, Zaal Chuck Yeager
- How to breathe when you stress out, Ruben Verlangen and Christo Motz, Zaal Smiths Brothers
- Difficult airway management: when not to RSI, and what are your alternatives, Loes Bruijstens en Dinis dos Reis Miranda, Zaal Whittle
- Voice matters, speak to connect & influence, Mariska Wessel, ZaalArrow
- Out of breath? (Ultra)Sound on!: DEUS geeft introductie van POCUS bij de dyspnoische patient, Zaal Bleriot
14.30 | Coffee break |
Part 8: Take a deep breath
15.00 | Room to breathe | Andrew Petrosoniak |
15.25 | Time to breathe | Vicky Price |
15.50 | Inspiration: how to give a talk that takes a breath away | Ross Fisher |
16.15 | Closing | |
16.20 | Good bye drinks |
We focus on improving resuscitation by
Getting the basics right
Multidisciplinary teamwork
Exchanging knowledge & skills
Short & inspirational speeches
Innovative ideas

Accreditatie (& registratie) Bureau Intensive Care (ABIC) | 10 punten (5 punten per dag) |
De volgende moederspecialismen nemen de punten van ABIC over: NVA, NIV (ook ‘acute interne’), NVvH, NVALT, NVvC, NVN, NVvN. | |
Nederlandse Associatie van Physician Assistants (NAPA) | 10 punten (5 punten per dag) |
Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten Register | 10 punten (5 punten per dag) |
Nederlandse Vereniging van Spoedeisende Hulp Artsen (NVSHA) | 12 punten (6 punten per dag) |